Hot-patching Platform for Executable and Linkable Format Binary Application for System Resilience
- Haegeon Jeong, Jinsung An, Kyungtae Kang
- Proceedings of the 38th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing
- 2023-03-30
Spidermine: Low Overhead User-Level Prefetching
- Jiwoong Won, Sangwoon Yun, Ahn Jemin, Jong-Chan Kim, Kyungtae Kang
- Proceedings of the 38th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing
- 2023-03-28
Proxy-based Web Prefetching Exploiting Long Short-Term Memory,
- Jiwoong Won, Wenbo Zou, Ahn Jemin, Jiseoup Lim, Gun-Woo Kim, Kyungtae Kang
- Proceedings of the 38th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing
- 2023-03-30
Runtime WCET Estimation Using Machine Learning
- Sangwoon Yun, Kyungtae Kang
- Proceedings of the 29th Annal International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (ACM MobiCom)
- 2023-10-02
Poster: Predictive Collision Avoidance considering Trade-off between Distance and Signal Power
- Jiseoup Lim, Haegeon Jeong, Kyungtae Kang
- Proceedings of the 31st IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP)
- 2023-10-12
- Wenxin Li, Joohyun Lee, Ness Shroff
- Discrete Applied Mathematics
- 2022-07-15
- 백전성, 이재우, 강경태
- Sensors
- 2022-03-01
- Muhammad Asgher Na0deem,Scott Uk-Jin Lee, Muhammad Usman Younus
- Sustainability
- 2022-02-20
- Shanza Abbas,Muhammad Umair Khan, Scott Uk-Jin Lee, Asad Abbas, Ali Kashif Bashir
- 2022-01-28
- Zhanfeng Wang, Amy M. Kwon & Yuan-chin Ivan Chang
- 2022-02-14
- Donghoon Ha, Jeong San Kim, Younghun Kwon
- Quantum Information Processing
- 2022-01-22
- 전준홍, 김인재, 하정미
- 2022 Tetrahedron Symposium
- 2022-06-29
- 백지현, 김혜진, 하정미
- 2022 Tetrahedron Symposium
- 2022-06-29
- 심재원, 김성아, 김연수, 윤영인, 정혜영
- 한국통계학회 하계학술대회
- 2022-06-24
- Hye-Ju Han, Hee-Jun Min, Jae-Won Shim, Hye-Young Jung
- Journal of Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
- 2022-04
- 오태섭, 김동균, 이주현, 원장원, 김선영, 정은진, 양지수, 유정화, 김병성
- Korean Journal of Family Practice
- 2022-06-20
- 박지성, 김건우, 석혜리, 신홍주, 이동호
- ICEIC 2022
- 2022-02-09
- 김우광, 오희국
- 2022년 한국정보보호학회 하계학술대회 CISC-S'22
- 2022-06-17
- Yeongwon Park, Woo In Ryu, Eunbi Seo, Shulei Sun, Byeongwook Song , Minjune Jang , Sunhwa Kim, Mariana K. Bormann , Minqi Shen, Dohoon Kim, Brent Forester, Jisun So , Bruce M. Cohen, Kai C. Sonntag, Hyemyung Seo
- 한국줄기세포학회 2022 동계학술대회
- 2022-01-20
- Ye Eun Kim, Hyo Shin Kim, Hakmin Lee, Jae Hyun Kim, Yejin Jo, Somyoung Im, Dongyun Lee, Sungeun Lee, Chongsuk Ryou, Tae-gyu Nam
- Pharmaceutical Society of Korea - 18th Medicinal Chemistry Workshop
- 2022-06-22
- Whee Sahng Yun, Yejin Jo, Somyoung Im, Dongyun Lee, Ye Eun Kim, Hyo Shin Kim, Jae Hoon Chang, Tae-gyu Nam
- Pharmaceutical Society of Korea - 18th Medicinal Chemistry Workshop
- 2022-06-22
- 신주은, 김정룡, 김윤세, 이상훈
- Proceedings of HCIK 2022
- 2022-02-09
- 이승은, 주우, 강경태
- 한국컴퓨터정보학회 하계학술대회
- 2022-07-15
- 주우, 이승은, 강경태
- 한국컴퓨터정보학회 하계학술대회
- 2022-07-15
- 최진탁, 강경태
- 한국컴퓨터정보학회 하계학술대회
- 2022-07-15
- 윤상운, 임지섭, 강경태
- 한국컴퓨터정보학회 하계학술대회
- 2022-07-15
- 주한새, Scott Uk-Jin Lee
- 2022년 한국컴퓨터정보학회 하계학술대회
- 2022-07-15
- 이학진, Scott Uk-Jin Lee
- 2022년 한국컴퓨터정보학회 하계학술대회
- 2022-07-15
- Zhen Yin, Scott Uk-Jin Lee
- 2022년 한국컴퓨터정보학회 하계학술대회
- 2022-07-15
- Zhen Yin, Scott Uk-Jin Lee
- 2022년 한국컴퓨터종합학술대회
- 2022-06-29